Did You Gain the COVID-15? Don’t Hate. DECORATE!! Trust the professionals.

“Don’t Hate. Decorate!” is a quote from my stress partner, Sister Iris Ade, and it’s one of the affirmations in my book Dear Lauren, Love Mom: 31 Days of Affirmations for My Daughter, for Myself, and for YOU.

We all found extra pounds in six months of lockdown as we sat in front of computers, game boards, and televisions. We also ate because of stress, boredom, and depression about so many things:

  • Isolation
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the changing climate, dangerous weather, and everything that’s happening in our communities, our cities, our country, and the world right now
  • Fear about what the future will bring as we lose the familiar, adjust to a new normal, and seek new strategies to also handle the
  • Stress of normal life milestones like starting school, establishing or changing careers, marriage, divorce and the changes in other relationships, child and elder-care, and retirement.

Self-loathing about our bodies only makes us less resilient to stress and makes hope, productive thought, and effective actions more elusive. We can get through this by celebrating our bodies even as we want them to change.

In my July 29,2020 blog ( Treat Yourself Better; You Are Worth It- Part Two), I talked about skin, nail, and hair care and affordable ways to keep lookin’ good, smellin’ good, and therefore, feelin’ better in the face of our current struggles. Revisit that one and

Don’t be afraid to get professional counseling to:


See my Lil Sis, Stacey Knack (www.steppinIN2style.com), to learn how to decorate your body and look your best right NOW. See my natural hair artist, Octavia Hooks (www.octavialsnatural hair.com), to learn how to tame the COVID-hair since you haven’t been able to get the chemicals or you need to pay rent and don’t want to spend money on chemicals.


Find a program of personal training and nutrition that guides you to change your relationship with food and movement. This way, instead of suffering through short-term burdens and the inevitable disappointments that follow, you can enjoy a lifetime of self-care habits. Ys and fitness centers are now open with social distancing and other precautions. You can also find apps for your phone, online services, and of course, there’s YOUTUBE. You and a few buddies can have a virtual support group with regular meetings for accountability and encouragement.


Seeing a behavioral health counselor doesn’t mean you’re crazy. When your car isn’t working as well as you’d like, you call a mechanic, right? Think of behavioral health counselors as mechanics who tune up your emotional engine. For the faithful, seeing a counselor isn’t a lack of spiritual trust. Pastor Frank Thomas once said, “Counseling helps you clarify the things you need to pray about.” Check with your health insurance plan first. If it doesn’t cover counseling, churches and community organizations often have low-cost options. There are also apps for your phone and online resources (helplines, support groups, and other counseling services) where the initial evaluation is free.


In these turbulent times, we have all experienced changes in what we thought we needed for a stable foundation. In truth, we have the ability to accept, adapt, and excel with foundations that are stronger than ever. Love the people who are important to you. Get the support you need. Celebrate yourself through even the smallest victories (we made it through another day, didn’t we?) and let’s keep movin’ on up!

Get your daily hug with my new book, Dear Lauren, Love Mom: 31 Days of Affirmations for My Daughter, for Myself, and for YOU. Available now on Amazon.com


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